Folgende vier Komponenten stehen im Rahmen des Modells "Global Education Primary School" im Vordergrund:

  • Globales Lernen
  • Fremdsprachenkompetenz
  • Medienkompetenz
  • Projektorientiertes Lernen

Mit dem Einsatz von Englisch als Arbeitssprache, das im Teamteaching sowohl von der Klassenlehrperson als auch vom Native Speaker Teacher vermittelt wird, erwerben die Kinder nicht nur Wissen über die Sprache selbst, sondern erleben sie vor allem als ein Medium, über das Inhalte - gerade auch des Globalen Lernens - transportiert und Kompetenzen erlangt werden.


Global Education Primary School – CLIL


The first component of the program is global education. We seek to challenge our students to think about world issues such as the environment, human rights, and peace. We also explore customs, songs, and games from around the world.


The second component of the program is content and language integrated learning, CLIL. CLIL has been shown to improve English and foster a better understanding of the subject matter. Lessons in English comprise five hours a week. Over the course of their time at our school, the students learn many subjects in English: art, math, textile and wood working, physical education, and natural and social sciences. In addition, the English Club allows students to play, do crafts, and sing in English with a pedagogue and native speaker teacher in their free time.


The aim of our GEPS program is to have an open and enriched learning environment. The teachers and pedagogues at Campus Donaufeld support the English program together with the native speaker teachers.  


This is an example of a year 1 lesson about the seasons and weather. The children are singing and dancing to the Weather Song. We have a lot of fun trying to remember which movements and words fit to which season.


In this year 2 class, the children have already had fun with the Days of the Week song and now are reviewing calendar vocabulary and working together to complete the worksheet.


In this year 3 GEPS class, we are looking at various countries and cultures. This lesson is about China: the clothes, the food, the customs, and a little of the history of China. The children are designing posters with information they have learned about China.


Modellbeschreibung GEPS
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Donaufelder Straße 77

1210 Wien